Gravitricity 计划在芬兰的 Callio Pyhäjärvi 矿场展示其 GraviStore 储能技术,目标是 2MW 容量和当地电网并网。 Gravitricity plans to demonstrate its GraviStore energy storage tech in Finland's Callio Pyhäjärvi mine, targeting 2MW capacity and local grid integration.
苏格兰储能公司 Gravitricity 计划在芬兰 Callio Pyhäjärvi 矿场展示其 GraviStore 技术,该矿场归 First Quantum Minerals 所有。 Gravitricity, a Scottish energy storage company, plans to demonstrate its GraviStore technology in Finland's Callio Pyhäjärvi mine, which is owned by First Quantum Minerals. 该项目预计将成为欧洲首个 GraviStore 部署,旨在提供高达 2 兆瓦的存储容量,并与当地电网整合。 The project, expected to be Europe's first GraviStore deployment, aims to provide up to two megawatts of storage capacity and integrate with the local electricity grid. Gravitricity 已与 ABB 签署协议,使用该公司的矿井提升机专业知识,并将豪氏威马作为战略合作伙伴。 Gravitricity has signed an agreement with ABB to use the company's mine-hoist expertise and Huisman as a strategic partner. 该项目将展示 GraviStore 的可靠性和长寿命,为退役矿山提供潜在的未来应用。 The project will demonstrate GraviStore's reliability and long life, offering potential future applications for decommissioned mines.