随着报告投手和捕手的截止日期临近,小熊队和科迪·贝林格正在进行合同谈判。 Cubs and Cody Bellinger in contract negotiation as deadline approaches for reporting pitchers and catchers.
小熊队和科迪·贝林格仍然是争夺这位棒球运动员的仅有的两支主要球队,这表明时间可能已经不多了。 The Cubs and Cody Bellinger continue to be the only two major teams in the running for the baseball player, suggesting that time might be running out. 由于投手和捕手将在短短 10 天内报告,经纪人和小熊队可能需要迅速采取行动,以避免比赛期间受到干扰。 With pitchers and catchers reporting in just 10 days, agents and the Cubs may need to act quickly to avoid disruptions during gameplay. 贝林格是一位获得无数荣誉的球员,考虑到他的年轻和球员素质,他对获得一份价值超过 2.5 亿美元的合同表现出了浓厚的兴趣。 Bellinger, a player with numerous accolades to his name, has expressed keen interest in securing a contract worth over $250 million, given his youth and qualities as a player.