昆士兰州宣布了 1.6 亿美元的租金减免计划,包括实施租金竞标禁令、制定可转移债券计划以及提供 48 小时通知进入房产等措施。 Queensland announces $160M rental relief package, implementing a ban on rent bidding, creating a portable bond scheme, & providing 48-hour notice for property entry, among other measures.
由州长史蒂文·迈尔斯 (Steven Miles) 领导的昆士兰州政府宣布了一项 1.6 亿澳元的租金减免计划,旨在帮助陷入困境的租户并解决当前的住房危机。 The Queensland government, led by Premier Steven Miles, has announced a $160 million rental relief package aimed at aiding struggling tenants and addressing the current housing crisis. 该计划将加强租赁法,禁止租金竞价,并对参与或鼓励竞价的代理商实施处罚。 This package will beef up rental laws, ban rent bidding, and enforce penalties on agents who engage or encourage it. 该救助计划是工党政府长期住房计划的延伸,将在五年内分发给20多项现有支持和服务,包括债券贷款、租金补助和租金保障补贴。 The relief package is an extension of the Labor government's long-term housing plan and will be distributed over five years, among more than 20 existing supports and services, including bond loans, rental grants, and rental security subsidies.