一人在索菲体育场的湖中溺水身亡;详细信息和身份保密,调查仍在进行中。 An individual drowned at SoFi Stadium's lake, causing their death; details and identity withheld, ongoing investigation.
2月2日晚上9点45分左右,索菲体育场内有人溺水身亡。 On February 2 at around 9:45 pm, an individual drowned in the lake at SoFi Stadium, resulting in their death. 体育场官员表示哀悼,并没有公布受害者的身份或事件细节。 The stadium officials expressed their condolences and have not released the victim's identity or the details of the incident. 调查正在进行中,目前没有进一步的信息。 An ongoing investigation is being conducted, and no further information is currently available. 该体育场位于英格尔伍德,是 NFL 洛杉矶闪电队和公羊队的主场。 The stadium is located in Inglewood and is home to the NFL's Los Angeles Chargers and Rams.