出于安全和组织方面的考虑,法国政府将巴黎奥运会开幕式的观众人数从 60 万减少到 30 万。 French government reduces Paris Olympics opening ceremony crowd size from 600,000 to 300,000 due to security and organizational concerns.
法国政府减少了巴黎奥运会开幕式的人群规模。 The French government has reduced the crowd size for the Paris Olympics opening ceremony. 传统的开幕游行定于 7 月 26 日在塞纳河上的船上举行,最初计划有 60 万名持票球迷。 Initially, the traditional opening parade, set to take place in boats on the River Seine on July 26, was planned to have 600,000 ticketed fans. 然而,出于安全和组织方面的考虑,内政部长杰拉尔德·达尔马宁 (Gerald Darmanin) 宣布,现在将允许 30 万人参加,这比原计划的人数大幅减少。 However, amid security and organizational concerns, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced that 300,000 individuals will now be permitted to attend, a significant reduction from the originally planned number.