美国商务部提高了对加拿大软木的关税。 The US Commerce Department raises duties on Canadian softwood lumber.
加拿大政府批评美国商务部将加拿大软木关税从 8.05% 提高到 13.86% 的决定。 The Canadian government is criticizing the U.S. Commerce Department's decision to raise duties on Canadian softwood lumber from 8.05% to 13.86%. 加拿大计划通过各种法律途径质疑这一决定,包括通过现有贸易协定、世界贸易组织和美国国际贸易法院提起诉讼。 Canada plans to challenge this decision using various legal avenues, including litigation through existing trade agreements, the World Trade Organization, and the U.S. Court of International Trade. BC The B.C. 政府对这一决定表示失望,称继续对 BC 省征收不合理的关税。 government has expressed disappointment at the decision, stating that the continued application of unjustified duties on B.C. 向美国出口软木木材正在损害加拿大和美国公民的利益。 softwood lumber exports to the U.S. is hurting both Canadian and American citizens alike. 加拿大准备通过谈判解决与美国在软木方面的长期争端。 Canada is ready to negotiate a resolution to the long-standing dispute with the U.S. over softwood lumber.