Blue Ash 警官 Jason Swarwout 中尉因对其个人时间表上可能存在的差异进行调查而辞职;调查正在进行中,可能会提出潜在的刑事指控。 Blue Ash police officer, Lt. Jason Swartwout, resigned over investigation into potential discrepancies on his personal timesheets; investigation ongoing, potential criminal charges may be pursued.
蓝灰市警官杰森·斯沃特沃特中尉在对其个人时间表上可能存在的差异进行调查后辞职。 A Blue Ash police officer, Lieutenant Jason Swartwout, has resigned following an investigation into potential discrepancies on his personal timesheets. 俄亥俄州刑事调查局于 11 月介入此事。 The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation was brought into the matter in November. 斯沃特沃特于 1 月 10 日提交了辞呈,调查仍在进行中。 Swartwout submitted his resignation on January 10, and the investigation remains ongoing. 汉密尔顿县检察官办公室将决定是否提起刑事指控。 The Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office will determine whether criminal charges should be pursued.