田纳西州州长比尔·李任命玛丽·瓦格纳法官为田纳西州最高法院法官,填补因罗杰·佩奇法官退休而出现的空缺。 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee appoints Judge Mary L. Wagner to the Tennessee Supreme Court, filling an upcoming vacancy due to Justice Roger Page's retirement.
田纳西州州长比尔·李任命玛丽·瓦格纳法官为田纳西州最高法院法官,填补因罗杰·佩奇法官退休而出现的空缺。 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has appointed Judge Mary L. Wagner to the Tennessee Supreme Court, filling an upcoming vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Roger Page. 瓦格纳现任谢尔比县巡回法院法官,他的任命需要得到田纳西州议会的确认。 Wagner, currently a judge for the Shelby County Circuit Court, will need to be confirmed by the Tennessee General Assembly. 这标志着李第三次被任命为由五名成员组成的最高法院,所有现任法官均由共和党州长任命。 This marks Lee's third appointment to the five-member Supreme Court, with all current justices appointed by Republican governors.