英国 CMA 对 News UK 和 DMG Media 之间拟议的印刷合资企业进行调查,考虑其对英国报纸市场竞争的影响。 The UK's CMA investigates proposed printing joint venture between News UK and DMG Media, considering its impact on competition in the UK's newspaper market.
英国竞争机构竞争与市场管理局 (CMA) 已开始对《太阳报》和《每日邮报》出版商合并印刷业务的提议进行调查。 The UK’s competition body, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), has begun an investigation into proposals by The Sun and Daily Mail publishers to combine their print operations. 此次调查是出于对“两大报业公司的垄断导致竞争条件大幅下降”的担忧。 The probe follows concerns over the “resultant monopoly of two major newspaper corporations leading to a significant reduction in competitive terms”.