邻居角色大卫·田中 (David Tanaka) 在与罪犯伊登·肖 (Eden Shaw) 的战斗中牺牲了自己,以挽救自己的生命。 Neighbours character David Tanaka sacrifices himself, dying in a fight with criminal Eden Shaw to save his life.
在 Amazon Freevee 的《Neighbors》最近一集中,由 Honda Takaya 饰演的深受喜爱的角色 David Tanaka 为拯救 Eden Shaw 不幸牺牲了自己,导致他英年早逝。 In a recent episode of Neighbours on Amazon Freevee, David Tanaka, a beloved character played by Takaya Honda, tragically sacrificed himself to save Eden Shaw, resulting in his untimely death. 这起令人心碎的事件让他的丈夫亚伦·布伦南和他们的朋友们悲痛欲绝。 The heartbreaking event left his husband Aaron Brennan and their friends devastated. 在录音中,大卫向亚伦道歉,因为他把伊甸园的生命置于自己的生命之上,但坚称这是正确的做法。 In a voice recording, David apologized to Aaron for prioritizing Eden's life over his own, but insisted it was the right thing to do.