尽管索马里男子声称逃离青年党,但高等法院驳回了停止驱逐到法国的请求。 High Court denies Somalian man's request to halt deportation to France despite claims of fleeing Al Shabaab.
爱尔兰高等法院拒绝了停止将一名索马里男子驱逐到法国的禁令。 The High Court of Ireland has refused an injunction to halt the deportation of a Somali man to France. 该男子曾在爱尔兰寻求保护,声称自己是为了逃离索马里伊斯兰激进组织青年党,该组织杀害了他的父亲和两个兄弟。 The man had sought protection in Ireland, claiming he was fleeing the Somali Islamic militant group Al-Shabab, which killed his father and two brothers. 在德国遭到拒绝保护后,他于 2022 年 8 月抵达爱尔兰并在那里寻求保护。 After being denied protection in Germany, he arrived in Ireland in August 2022 and sought protection there. 法院裁定,该男子可以继续从法国提出司法审查挑战,如果案件胜诉,有一个机制可以让他返回爱尔兰。 The court ruled that the man could continue his judicial review challenge from France, and there is a mechanism for his return to Ireland if he is successful in the case.