温特斯酒店的经理在验尸官对两名房客在火灾中死亡的调查中作证,对建筑物的危险性表示惊讶,并指出缺乏消防演习。 Manager of Winters Hotel testified at coroner's inquest for two tenant deaths in fire, expressing surprise at building's dangerous nature and noting lack of fire drills.
拥有 113 年历史的温特斯酒店 (Winters Hotel) 的经理在验尸官调查中就两名房客玛丽·安·加洛 (Mary Ann Garlow) 和丹尼斯·詹姆斯·盖伊 (Dennis James Guay) 在 2022 年 4 月 11 日的火灾中死亡一事作证。 The manager of the Winters Hotel, a 113-year-old building, testified at a coroner's inquest regarding the deaths of two tenants, Mary Ann Garlow and Dennis James Guay, in a fire on April 11, 2022. 经理对这座建筑的危险性表示惊讶,并指出现代标准可能不认可其开放式中庭风格和建筑材料。 The manager expressed surprise at the dangerous nature of the building, noting that modern standards may not have approved its open atrium style and building materials. 此外,他还提到不知道酒店是否进行过消防演习。 Additionally, he mentioned not knowing if there was ever a fire drill at the hotel.