印度将手机零部件进口关税从 15% 削减至 10%,以促进当地生产和出口,使苹果和小米等主要厂商受益。 India cuts mobile phone component import duty from 15% to 10% to boost local production and exports, benefiting major players like Apple and Xiaomi.
印度财政部宣布,用于手机制造的各种零部件的进口关税从15%降至10%。 The Indian Ministry of Finance announced that the import duty on various components for mobile phone manufacturing has been reduced from 15% to 10%. 受影响的部件包括电池盖、主镜头、后盖、GSM 天线以及其他塑料和金属机械部件。 Affected parts include battery covers, main lenses, back covers, GSM antennas, and other plastic and metal mechanical items. 这一决定预计将使主要手机制造商受益,并提振印度本土制造业。 This decision is expected to benefit major mobile phone manufacturers and boost the local manufacturing industry in India.