乡村乐队 Parmalee 将 2010 年的枪击事件融入到歌曲《Gonna Love You》中,分享了他们在那段充满挑战的时期无条件的爱和乐队成员支持的故事。 Country band Parmalee incorporated their 2010 shooting incident into their song "Gonna Love You," sharing their story of unconditional love and band member support during that challenging time.
乡村乐队 Parmalee 在创作歌曲《Gonna Love You》时最初并没有打算重温 2010 年的枪击事件。 Country band Parmalee didn't initially intend to revisit their 2010 shooting incident while creating their song "Gonna Love You." 然而,随着创作过程的展开,他们觉得是时候分享他们的故事了。 However, as the creative process unfolded, they felt it was the right time to share their story. 这首歌讲述了无条件的爱以及乐队成员如何互相支持度过他们所经历的困难时期。 The song is about unconditional love and how the band members supported each other through the difficult times they experienced. 这起枪击事件涉及一次未遂武装抢劫,导致乐队鼓手斯科特·托马斯三枪受伤,生还率只有 5%。 The shooting incident involved an attempted armed robbery that left the band's drummer, Scott Thomas, wounded from three gunshots with a 5% chance of living.