CACI 授予支持国防情报局 (DIA) 的任务令。 CACI Awarded a Task Order to Support the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
CACI International Inc 收到了一份价值 8100 万美元的任务订单,将在未来五年与国防情报局 (DIA) 国家媒体开发中心 (NMEC) 合作。 CACI International Inc received a $81 million task order to work with the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) National Media Exploitation Center (NMEC) for the next five years. 通过店面和传播支持任务订单,CACI 将运营 IT 服务、维护系统并升级整个情报界和国防部的数据库基础设施。 Through the Storefront and Dissemination Support task order, CACI will operate IT services, maintain systems, and upgrade infrastructure for databases throughout the intelligence community and the Department of Defense. CACI 总裁兼首席执行官 John Menucci 表示,该公司在提供定制功能以满足 DIA 的 IT 情报需求,同时优先考虑 NMEC 数据库和云架构的安全性和互操作性方面拥有丰富的经验。 According to John Mengucci, CACI President and CEO, the company has considerable experience in delivering customized capabilities to address the IT intelligence needs of the DIA while prioritizing security and interoperability for NMEC's databases and cloud architecture.