婴儿奥黛丽出生在威廉王子县 66 号州际公路的路肩上,父母拨打了 911,在弗吉尼亚州警的协助下,一切安然无恙。 Baby Audrey born on Interstate 66 shoulder in Prince William County as parents called 911, with all safe and healthy after Virginia State Trooper's assistance.
1月30日,一个名叫奥黛丽的婴儿在弗吉尼亚州威廉王子县66号州际公路的路肩出生。 On January 30, a baby named Audrey was born on the shoulder of Interstate 66 in Prince William County, Virginia. 当孩子决定提前到达时,父母把车停在路边并拨打了 911。 The parents had pulled over and called 911 when their baby decided to arrive ahead of schedule. 当弗吉尼亚州警 M. Weinholtz 赶到帮忙时,婴儿奥黛丽已经出生了。 As Virginia State Trooper M. Weinholtz arrived to assist, baby Audrey was already born. 幸运的是,据报道,奥黛丽的母亲、父亲和婴儿都安全且健康。 Fortunately, mother, father, and baby Audrey are all reported to be safe and in good health.