航空公司高管警告说,如果年度旅客上限不从 3200 万提高到 4000 万,可能会从都柏林机场转移。 Airline execs warn of possible shift from Dublin Airport if annual passenger cap isn't raised from 32M to 40M.
包括伏林航空、阿联酋航空、捷蓝航空和西捷航空在内的航空公司高管警告称,延迟提高都柏林机场的乘客上限可能会迫使他们将重点放在其他机场。 Airline executives, including Vueling, Emirates, JetBlue, and Westjet, have warned that delays in raising the passenger cap at Dublin Airport may force them to focus on other airports. 他们强调,将每年客运量上限提高至 4000 万人次对于维持和发展全球航线和连通性至关重要。 They emphasise that raising the cap to 40 million passengers per annum is essential for maintaining and developing global routes and connectivity. 都柏林机场的扩建申请目前面临反对,芬格尔县议会将于下个月就该申请做出决定。 The expansion application for Dublin Airport is currently facing opposition, with Fingal County Council set to decide on the application next month.