丙烷罐在萨克拉门托锡克教协会附近发生爆炸,造成火灾和部分建筑倒塌,没有人员伤亡报告;调查正在进行中。 Propane tanks exploded near Gurdwara Sacramento Sikh Society, causing fire and partial building collapse, with no injuries reported; investigation ongoing.
周一下午,萨克拉门托布拉德肖路的古德瓦拉萨克拉门托锡克教协会附近的几个丙烷罐发生爆炸。 Several propane tanks exploded near Gurdwara Sacramento Sikh Society on Bradshaw Road in Sacramento on Monday afternoon. 萨克拉门托大都会消防区报告称,大火烧毁了建筑物的阁楼,并导致部分建筑物倒塌。 The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District reported that the fire burned into the building's attic and caused part of it to collapse. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 起火原因仍在调查中。 The cause of the fire remains under investigation.