威斯康星州雅典市确诊百日咳疫情,有 4 例病例,其中 10 例正在调查中;马拉松县卫生部门警告弱势群体 Pertussis (Whooping Cough) outbreak confirmed in Athens, WI, with 4 cases, 10 under investigation; vulnerable groups cautionned by Marathon County Health Dept.
马拉松县卫生部门宣布威斯康星州雅典市爆发百日咳(百日咳)疫情,已有 4 例确诊病例,另有 10 例正在接受调查。 The Marathon County Health Department has announced a whooping cough (pertussis) outbreak in Athens, Wisconsin, with four confirmed cases and ten others under investigation. 妊娠晚期的孕妇和六个月以下的婴儿出现并发症的风险最高。 Pregnant women in their third trimester and infants under six months are at the highest risk of complications. 百日咳是一种高度传染性的感染,可持续 90 至 100 天以上,可能需要住院治疗或导致婴儿患严重疾病。 Pertussis is a highly contagious infection that can last over 90 to 100 days and may require hospitalization or lead to severe illnesses in infants. 卫生部门建议接种疫苗以防止疾病传播。 The health department recommends vaccination to prevent the spread of the disease.