奥里萨邦的 Raghurajpur 遗产村妇女赋权画面在第 75 届共和国日游行中荣获评委选择类一等奖。 Odisha's Raghurajpur heritage village women's empowerment tableau wins first prize in Judges Choice category at 75th Republic Day parade.
拉古拉杰布尔遗产村展示妇女赋权的奥里萨邦场景在第 75 届共和国日游行中荣获评委选择类别一等奖。 The Odisha tableau showcasing women's empowerment in Raghurajpur heritage village has been awarded the first prize at the 75th Republic Day parade in the Judges Choice category. 来自古吉拉特邦和泰米尔纳德邦的表演分别获得第二名和第三名。 The tableaus from Gujarat and Tamil Nadu received second and third place respectively. 奥里萨邦的画面以 Raghurajpur 传统手工艺村的模型为特色,传达了赋予妇女权力的信息。 The Odisha tableau featured a model of the Raghurajpur heritage crafts village with messages on women's empowerment. 此外,文化部主题为“巴拉特:民主之母”的画面以其传统与创新的融合,获得了此次游行的画面一等奖。 In addition, the Ministry of Culture's tableau themed "Bharat: Mother of Democracy" secured the first prize among tableaus in the parade, with its blend of tradition and innovation.