一名幼儿在韦恩县房屋火灾中惨死。 Tragic death of a young child in a Wayne County house fire.
一名幼儿在弗吉尼亚州韦恩县的一场房屋火灾中丧生。 A young child has died in a house fire in Wayne County, Virginia. 火灾发生在里士满西南森特维尔的南森特维尔路 4700 号。 The fire occurred at 4700 South Centerville Road in Centerville, southwest of Richmond. 消防人员相信至少有一人被困在里面。 Fire crews believed at least one person was trapped inside. 州消防局局长办公室和韦恩县验尸官将继续调查。 The State Fire Marshal's Office and the Wayne County Coroner will continue the investigation. 六个消防部门、韦恩县治安官办公室牧师计划、森特维尔警察局、韦恩县验尸官办公室、韦恩县公路部门和美国红十字会赶赴现场。 Six fire departments, the Wayne County Sheriff's Office Chaplaincy Program, Centerville Police Department, Wayne County Coroner's Office, Wayne County Highway Department, and the American Red Cross responded to the scene.