豪猪演讲会举办开放日活动。 Porcupine Toastmasters hosts open house.
Porcupine Toastmasters 将于周一举办开放日活动,特邀演讲者将分享该组织如何帮助他们提高沟通和领导技能。 Porcupine Toastmasters is hosting an open house on Monday, featuring guest speakers who will share how the organization has helped them improve their communication and leadership skills. Toastmasters International 是一家非营利性教育团体,在全球拥有超过 14,650 个俱乐部,拥有超过 313,000 名会员。 Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational group with over 313,000 members in more than 14,650 clubs worldwide. 该组织成立于 1924 年,致力于帮助人们在观众面前演讲时变得更加自信。 The organization, founded in 1924, helps people become more confident when speaking in front of audiences. 豪猪俱乐部每周一晚上 7 点开会。在 Collège Boréal 举行,对于那些无法亲自参加的人也可以选择在线选项。 The Porcupine club meets every Monday at 7 p.m. at Collège Boréal, with online options also available for those unable to attend in person.