俄亥俄州环境官员正在努力清理油罐车事故后泄漏的柴油。 Ohio environmental officials work on cleaning up diesel fuel spill after a tanker truck crash.
俄亥俄州的环境官员目前正在努力清理最近发生的油罐车事故现场的燃料。 Environmental officials in Ohio are currently working to clean up fuel from the site of a recent tanker truck crash. 该事件涉及一场大火,导致数千加仑柴油泄漏。 The incident involved a fiery crash resulting in thousands of gallons of diesel fuel spilling. 清理工作的重点是遏制和清除泄漏的燃料,以防止任何潜在的环境破坏。 The cleanup efforts are focused on containing and removing the spilled fuel in order to prevent any potential environmental damage.