缅因州圣乔治海岸搜寻码头零件时,小船翻倒,一名昏迷不醒的男子被救起。 Man rescued unconscious off St. George, Maine coast after overturned skiff while searching for dock parts.
一名男子在缅因州圣乔治海岸寻找被冲走的码头部件时,小船翻倒,随后获救。 A man was rescued off the coast of St. George, Maine, after his skiff overturned while searching for washed-away dock parts. 该男子没有按预期返回,促使多个机构和当地好撒玛利亚人参与搜寻。 The man did not return as expected, prompting a search involving multiple agencies and local Good Samaritans. 一名居民听到有人大喊大叫后,提供了重要的位置信息,救援人员在北岛附近找到了该男子翻倒的船,发现他失去知觉,但能够移动。 A crucial location update from a resident who heard someone yelling led rescuers to the man's overturned boat near Northern Island, where he was found unconscious but able to move.