联邦陪审团命令特朗普向卡罗尔支付 8330 万美元的性侵犯和诽谤赔偿金。 A federal jury orders Trump to pay $83.3 million in damages to Carroll for sexual assault and defamation.
联邦陪审团裁定,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普必须向指控他性侵犯和诽谤的作家 E·让·卡罗尔支付 8330 万美元的赔偿金。 A federal jury has determined that former US President Donald Trump must pay $83.3 million in damages to writer E. Jean Carroll, who accused him of sexual assault and defamation. 陪审团判给卡罗尔 6500 万美元的惩罚性赔偿,此外还判给卡罗尔 730 万美元的补偿性赔偿。 The jury awarded Carroll $65 million in punitive damages, in addition to $7.3 million in compensatory damages. 这是联邦法院在特朗普竞选重返白宫期间首次对他做出的判决。 This marks the first federal court verdict against Trump as he campaigns for his return to the White House.