自 2020 年以来,威斯康星州的 OSS Speak Up, Speak Out 热线已收到 10,000 条举报,帮助学校采取紧急干预措施。 Wisconsin's OSS Speak Up, Speak Out hotline hits 10,000 tips, aiding in urgent school interventions since 2020.
威斯康星州司法部学校安全办公室 (OSS) 的 Speak Up, Speak Out (SUSO) 热线自 2020 年 9 月 1 日成立以来,举报数量已达 10,000 条。 The Wisconsin Department of Justice's Office of School Safety's (OSS) Speak Up, Speak Out (SUSO) hotline has reached 10,000 tips since its establishment on September 1, 2020. 这种免费、保密且易于使用的工具(24/7)在解决威斯康星州各地学校的问题方面发挥了作用,许多学校需要学校官员和执法部门立即干预。 This free, confidential, and accessible tool available 24/7 has played a role in addressing concerns in schools across Wisconsin, with many requiring immediate intervention from school officials and law enforcement. SUSO 处理的问题包括有计划的学校袭击、枪支或其他武器的报告以及自杀威胁。 Examples of concerns handled by SUSO include planned school attacks, reports of guns or other weapons, and suicide threats.