Winona Health 收到 300 万美元捐款,用于继续肾透析计划,该计划因财务限制而结束。 Winona Health receives $3M donation to continue kidney dialysis program amid ending due to financial restrictions.
在匿名捐赠者承诺捐赠 300 万美元后,Winona Health 将继续其肾透析计划。 Winona Health will continue its kidney dialysis program following the pledge of $3 million from anonymous donors. 卫生系统本周早些时候宣布,由于财政限制,将不得不关闭该计划,每年为其提供 100 万美元的补贴,但无法完全减轻这一损失。 The health system announced earlier this week it would have to close the program due to financial restrictions, subsidizing it by $1 million per year with no way to fully mitigate this loss. 捐助者于周五联系卫生系统,决定提供支持以维持透析服务的运行。 Donors reached out to the health system on Friday, deciding to provide support to keep the dialysis service running.