美国宇航局的火星直升机“聪明号”是第一架飞行的,由于飞行过程中旋翼叶片损坏而永久停飞。 NASA's Mars helicopter Ingenuity, the first to fly, is permanently grounded due to rotor blade damage during a flight.
美国宇航局“聪明号”直升机是第一架成功在火星上飞行的直升机,由于最近的一次飞行损坏了旋翼叶片,该直升机已永久停飞。 The NASA Ingenuity helicopter, the first to successfully fly on Mars, has been permanently grounded after a recent flight damaged a rotor blade. 由于旋翼损坏,航天局宣布“独创”号任务结束,这很可能是由直升机具有挑战性的地形造成的。 The space agency announced the end of the Ingenuity mission due to the rotor damage, which was likely caused by the helicopter's challenging terrain.