由于定价不可行和行业财务挑战,Orsted 退出马里兰州鲣鱼风电场的定价安排。 Orsted withdraws from Maryland pricing arrangement for Skipjack wind farms due to unviable pricing and industry financial challenges.
丹麦海上风电公司 Ørsted 已退出与马里兰州监管机构就其计划中的鲣鱼风电场达成的定价安排,称当前的定价限制对该公司来说不具有商业可行性。 Danish offshore wind company Ørsted has withdrawn from a pricing arrangement with Maryland regulators for its planned Skipjack wind farms, citing the current pricing limit as not commercially viable for the company. 这一决定是在海上风电行业面临通货膨胀、高利率和供应链压力等财务挑战的情况下做出的。 The decision has been made amid financial challenges faced by the offshore wind industry, including inflation, high interest rates, and supply chain pressures. 该公司将继续开发大洋城北部海岸附近的风电场,但未来需要改变定价。 The company will continue to develop the wind farm off the coast of northern Ocean City, but will need a change in pricing going forward.