在社会主义偶像卡普里·塔库尔诞辰 100 周年之际,巴拉特·拉特纳被追授给他。 Bharat Ratna awarded posthumously to socialist icon Karpoori Thakur on his 100th birth anniversary.
已故社会主义偶像卡普里·塔库尔在其诞辰 100 周年前夕,被中央政府追授为印度最高平民荣誉“Bharat Ratna”。 The late socialist icon Karpoori Thakur was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian honor, by the Central government on the eve of his 100th birth anniversary. 塔库尔是比哈尔邦前首席部长,因其倡导公平资源分配和所有人机会平等(无论社会地位如何)的政策而被人们铭记。 Thakur, a former Chief Minister of Bihar, is remembered for his policies advocating fair resource distribution and equal opportunities for all, regardless of social standing. 一家人对父亲的贡献,特别是对受压迫的比哈尔邦人民的贡献表示了强烈的情感和感激之情。 The family expressed their overwhelming emotions and gratitude for the recognition of their father's contributions, particularly for the downtrodden people of Bihar.