加拿大公司生产用于处决美国囚犯的口罩。 Canadian-owned company to produce masks for use in the execution of US prisoners.
正义倡导团体声称,美国执行死刑时使用的是魁北克一家公司子公司生产的口罩。 Justice advocacy groups allege that American executions are using masks manufactured by a subsidiary of a company based in Quebec. 他们声称,沃尔特表面技术公司的子公司 Allegro Industries 的设备将在阿拉巴马州即将执行的死刑中使用,有可能造成严重的疼痛。 They claim that the Allegro Industries, a Walter Surface Technologies subsidiary, equipment that will be utilized in an upcoming execution in Alabama, has the potential to cause severe pain. 联合国人权高专办表示,氮气死刑是一种未经证实且具有潜在危险的技术。 According to the United Nations Human Rights Office, the nitrogen gas method of execution is an unproven and potentially dangerous technique.