索菲亚·科波拉 (Sofia Coppola) 透露了有关她取消的 Apple+ 电视节目的详细信息。 Sofia Coppola discloses details about her canceled Apple+ TV show.
索菲亚·科波拉 (Sofia Coppola) 透露了有关她的 Apple+ TV 节目的详细信息,该节目已于 2020 年被取消。 Sofia Coppola has revealed details about her Apple+ TV show, which was canceled in 2020. 该剧改编自伊迪丝·沃顿的著作《乡村风俗》,全长 5 集,由弗洛伦斯·普 (Florence Pugh) 主演。 The series, based on Edith Wharton's book "The Custom of the Country," was to be 5 episodes long and star Florence Pugh. 科波拉表示,苹果高管并不理解温蒂娜的性格,她称她“不讨人喜欢”,“就像托尼·索普拉诺”。 Coppola said that Apple executives did not understand the character of Undine, whom she described as "unlikable" and "like Tony Soprano." 科波拉说,资金对她来说很困难,她担心年轻女性开始创业。 Coppola said that the funding was difficult for her, and she worried about younger women starting out. 该剧于次年被取消。 The show was canceled the next year.