长颈鹿贝尼托被从墨西哥北部边境转移到中央保护公园。 Benito the giraffe was moved from Mexico's northern border to a central conservation park.
经过环保人士的运动,长颈鹿贝尼托被从墨西哥北部边境转移到墨西哥中部一个气候更适宜的保护公园。 After an environmentalist campaign, Benito the giraffe was moved from Mexico's northern border to a better-suited climate at a conservation park in central Mexico. 该公园为长颈鹿提供了一个更适宜的环境,该动物离开了华雷斯城的市营中央公园动物园,该动物园因极端天气条件而被认为不适合。 The park provides a more congenial environment for the giraffe, and the animal left Ciudad Juarez's city-run Central Park Zoo, which was deemed unsuitable due to extreme weather conditions.