在被拆除之前,新加坡废弃的和平中心购物中心得到了短暂的缓和,用于举办快闪商店、表演和艺术工作坊。 Before it was demolished, Singapore's abandoned Peace Center mall was given a brief reprieve for pop-up shops, performances, and art workshops.
尽管新加坡禁止街头艺术,一个名为和平中心的废弃购物中心却出人意料地发展成为年轻艺术家的天堂。 Despite Singapore's ban on street art, an abandoned mall known as Peace Centre has unexpectedly developed into a haven for young artists. 这座即将被拆除的建筑得到了短暂的喘息时间,以便可以举办快闪商店、表演和艺术工作坊。 The building, which is about to be demolished, has been given a brief reprieve so that pop-up shops, performances, and art workshops can take place. 企业家加里·洪 (Gary Hong) 是该倡议的联合创始人,旨在在一月下旬购物中心关闭之前团结社区。 Entrepreneur Gary Hong is a co-founder of the initiative, which aims to unite the community before the mall closes in late January.