一名35岁的电动滑板车骑手因超速逃离巡逻车,与排水沟相撞后死亡;警方已启动内部调查。 Due to speeding away from a patrol vehicle, a 35-year-old e-scooter rider died after colliding with a gutter; an internal police investigation was initiated.
汤斯维尔一名电动滑板车骑手的死亡引发了警方的内部调查。 The death of an e-scooter rider in Townsville has prompted an internal police probe. 这名35岁男子在骑行时撞上排水沟,受伤危及生命。 The 35-year-old man collided with the gutter while riding, sustaining life-threatening injuries. 第二天他被宣布死亡。 He was pronounced dead the following day. 据昆士兰警方称,事故发生前,骑手正在加速逃离巡逻车。 According to Queensland Police, the rider was speeding away from a patrol vehicle before the accident. 道德标准司令部目前正在代表国家验尸官调查这一事件,犯罪和腐败委员会负责监督调查。 The Ethical Standards Command is currently investigating the incident on behalf of the State Coroner, with the Crime and Corruption Commission overseeing the investigation.