英国国防部测试了一种廉价、快速发射的导弹替代品“龙火”激光武器系统,这是尖端军事技术的重大进步。 The DragonFire laser weapon system, a cheap, quick-firing substitute for missiles, was tested by the UK Ministry of Defence, which was a major advancement in cutting edge military technology.
英国在试验中首次成功向空中目标发射了高功率激光武器,旨在为低成本替代导弹击落无人机等目标铺平道路。 The UK has successfully fired a high-power laser weapon against an aerial target for the first time in a trial, aiming to pave the way for a low-cost alternative to missiles to shoot down targets like drones. 国防部(MoD)将在苏格兰赫布里底群岛进行的测试描述为将该技术投入使用的“重要一步”。 The Ministry of Defence (MoD) described the test at its Hebrides Range in Scotland as a "major step" in bringing the technology into service. 该技术可以减少对昂贵弹药的依赖并降低附带损害的风险。 The technology could reduce the reliance on expensive ammunition and lower the risk of collateral damage. 陆军和皇家海军都在考虑使用该技术作为其未来防空能力的一部分。 Both the Army and Royal Navy are considering using the technology as part of their future air defence capabilities. 激光定向能武器(LDEW)使用强光束切割目标,并能以光速进行攻击。 Laser-directed energy weapons (LDEWs) use an intense light beam to cut through their target and can strike at the speed of light. DragonFire 武器系统由国防科学技术实验室 (Dstl) 与一些行业合作伙伴代表国防部共同开发。 The DragonFire weapon system is being developed by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) alongside some industry partners on behalf of the MoD. 激光武器的发展是在无人机在战争中越来越多地使用的背景下进行的,这一点在乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的冲突中就可见一斑。 The development of laser weapons comes amid the increasing use of drones in warfare, which has been seen during the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. DragonFire是英国国防部和军火工业联合投资1亿英镑的成果。 The DragonFire is the result of a £100m joint investment between the Ministry of Defence and the arms industry.