随着该地区紧张局势加剧,伊朗发射了卫星“索拉亚”,缓解了西方对核武器和弹道导弹的担忧。 As tensions in the region rise, Iran launches the satellite Soraya, allaying Western fears about nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
伊朗据称向太空发射一颗名为“索拉亚”的新卫星,引起了西方国家的担忧,因为人们担心该国可能会利用该技术来开发核武器。 Concerns have been raised in the West by Iran's purported launch of a new satellite into space, named Soraya, because of fears that the country may use the technology to develop nuclear weapons. 伊朗的太空计划引起了西方的批评,因为他们认为这可以提高其弹道导弹能力。 Iran's space program has drawn criticism from the West because they believe it could improve their ballistic missile capabilities. 这一消息加剧了地区紧张局势,包括以色列与加沙地带哈马斯的持续冲突。 Increased regional tensions, including Israel's ongoing conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, are brought on by this news.