研究人员开始在人类身上测试一种针对可怕但不会立即致命的尼帕病毒的疫苗。 Researchers are starting to test a vaccine on humans for the horrifying but not immediately lethal Nipah virus.
牛津大学的科学家正在测试世界上第一种尼帕病毒疫苗,人体试验正在进行中。 Scientists at the University of Oxford are testing a world-first Nipah virus vaccine with human trials underway. 尼帕病毒于 1998 年首次发现,目前尚无批准的疫苗或治疗方法。 The Nipah virus, first identified in 1998, has no approved vaccines or treatments currently. 成功的试验可能会产生针对这种毁灭性疾病的第一种疫苗。 Successful trials could result in the first-ever vaccine for this devastating disease. 尼帕病毒主要发现于南亚,死亡率高达 75%,可以通过动物、受污染的食物或直接传播。 The Nipah virus, primarily found in South Asia, has a fatality rate of up to 75% and can be transmitted from animals, contaminated food, or directly. 该疫苗采用与牛津大学同一团队开发的 Covid-19 疫苗相同的技术。 The vaccine uses the same technology as the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the same team at Oxford.