295,000至215,000年前,巨猿黑巨猿因无法适应不断变化的环境而灭绝。 Between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago, the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki went extinct because it was unable to adapt to its changing environment.
有史以来最大的灵长类动物黑巨猿由于无法适应不断变化的环境而在 295,000 至 215,000 年前灭绝。 The largest primate to ever live, Gigantopithecus blacki, went extinct between 295,000 and 215,000 years ago due to its inability to adapt to a changing environment. 这种巨猿身高近 10 英尺,体重达 650 磅,很可能以热带森林中的水果和花卉为食。 The giant ape, which stood nearly 10 feet tall and weighed up to 650 pounds, likely relied on a specialized diet of fruits and flowers in tropical forests. 随着气候变化和水果产量减少,类人猿无法适应它们的食物偏好和行为,使它们很容易灭绝。 As the climate changed and produced fewer fruits, the apes were unable to adapt their food preferences and behaviors, making them vulnerable to extinction.