34岁的政治家加布里埃尔·阿塔尔是法国第一位也是最年轻的公开同性恋的总理。 The 34-year-old politician Gabriel Attal is the first and youngest openly gay prime minister of France.
总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙任命 34 岁的政治家加布里埃尔·阿塔尔为法国最年轻的总理,也是第一位公开同性恋身份的总理。 President Emmanuel Macron appoints 34-year-old politician Gabriel Attal as France's youngest and first openly gay prime minister. 为了在即将到来的欧洲议会选举之前重振自己的总统职位,马克龙在前总理伊丽莎白·博恩辞职后采取了这一举措。 In an effort to reinvigorate his presidency ahead of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament, Macron made this move following the resignation of former prime minister Elisabeth Borne. 作为前政府发言人和教育部长,阿塔尔禁止在公立学校穿穆斯林长袍。 A former government spokesman and minister of education, Attal outlawed Muslim abayas from being worn in public schools.