单身汉杰西·帕尔默 (Jesse Palmer) 和妻子埃梅莉·法多 (Emely Fardo) 迎来了他们的第一个孩子。 The Bachelor, Jesse Palmer and wife Emely Fardo have welcomed their first child.
《学士》主持人杰西·帕尔默 (Jesse Palmer) 和他的妻子埃梅莉·法多 (Emely Fardo) 迎来了他们的第一个孩子,一个名叫埃拉·雷恩·帕尔默 (Ella Reine Palmer) 的女婴。 The Bachelor host Jesse Palmer and his wife Emely Fardo have welcomed their first child, a baby girl named Ella Reine Palmer. 这对夫妇在 Instagram 上宣布了这一消息,并分享了一张三口之家的照片。 The couple announced the news on Instagram and shared a photo of the family-of-three. 他们于2020年6月结婚,并于2022年8月透露怀孕消息。 They got married in June 2020 and revealed their pregnancy in August 2022.