电视真人秀节目“爱情与婚姻:亨茨维尔”的明星马泰尔·霍尔特被捕。 Martell Holt, a star of the reality television show "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," was arrested.
真人秀节目《爱情与婚姻:亨茨维尔》的明星马泰尔·霍尔特于 1 月 10 日在阿拉巴马州因家庭暴力指控被捕。 Martell Holt, a star of the reality television show "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," was arrested on a domestic violence charge in Alabama on January 10th. 据消息人士透露,41 岁的霍尔特被指控犯有三级家庭暴力/骚扰通讯轻罪。 According to sources Holt, 41, was charged with misdemeanor third-degree domestic violence/harassing communications. 他在麦迪逊县监狱被关押了大约三个小时,并在保释后被释放。 He was held in the Madison County jail for approximately three hours and was released after posting bail. 亨茨维尔警察局实施了逮捕行动,但没有透露导致逮捕的具体情况。 The Huntsville Police Department made the arrest, but did not release details about the circumstances leading up to it.