《放荡女性》明星史黛西·所罗门 (Stacey Solomon) 因出现流感样症状而被送往牙买加一家医院。 Star of Loose Women Stacey Solomon was admitted to a Jamaican hospital following a bout of flu-like symptoms.
《Loose Women》明星史黛西·所罗门 (Stacey Solomon) 在牙买加生病后住院并接受了氧气治疗。 Loose Women star Stacey Solomon was hospitalized and put on oxygen after falling ill in Jamaica. 34 岁的她开始感到不适时,她正在与家人(包括她的丈夫 Joe Swash 和孩子们)一起度假。 The 34-year-old had been on holiday with her family, including her husband, Joe Swash, and their children, when she started feeling unwell. 史黛西透露,她发烧是感染引起的,她接受了静脉滴注治疗。 Stacey revealed that it was an infection causing her fever, and she was put on an IV drip for treatment. 她在 Instagram 上分享了最新消息,表示她现在感觉好多了,正在家中康复。 She shared an update on Instagram, stating that she is now feeling better and is recovering at home.