以色列和真主党之间的边境交火正在爆发新一轮的分歧。 A fresh round of splinters is erupting from the border firefight between Israel and Hezbollah.
周六,真主党武装分子向以色列发射了约 40 枚火箭弹,这是近几个月来最大规模的此类袭击之一。 Hezbollah militants fired about 40 rockets into Israel on Saturday, marking one of the largest such barrages in recent months. 此次活动恰逢美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯抵达该地区,他正在努力防止加沙战争导致的中东危机升级。 This event coincides with the arrival of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the region, who is working to prevent escalation in the Middle East crisis resulting from the war in Gaza. 与此同时,以色列和真主党正在进行猛烈的跨境交火。 Meanwhile, Israel and Hezbollah are engaged in heavy cross-border fire.