印度尼西亚警方拦截了载有 200 多只狗准备屠宰的卡车。 Indonesian police halt truck with over 200 dogs bound for slaughter.
印度尼西亚警方截获了一辆载有 200 多只狗的卡车,这些狗被戴上脚镣,准备开往屠宰场。 Indonesian police have intercepted a truck carrying over 200 dogs shackled and bound for the slaughterhouse. 对于反对食用狗肉的动物权利活动人士来说,这是一次重大胜利。 This is a significant victory for animal rights activists who oppose the consumption of dog meat. 该事件发生在爪哇岛三宝垄市,导致五名卡车船员被捕,他们将根据动物福利法规受到指控。 The event took place in Semarang city on the island of Java, and led to the arrest of five truck crew members who will be charged under animal welfare regulations.