妮琪·米娜 (Nicki Minaj) 透露,在父亲去世前的最后几天,她与父亲进行了告别谈话。 Nicki Minaj disclosed that she had a farewell chat with her father in the final days before his passing.
说唱歌手 Nicki Minaj 在最近接受 Apple Music 采访时谈到了她父亲的去世。 Rapper Nicki Minaj spoke about the death of her father in a recent interview with Apple Music. 2021 年 2 月,她的父亲罗伯特·马拉杰 (Robert Maraj) 在一场肇事逃逸事故中丧生。 In February 2021, her father, Robert Maraj, was killed in a hit-and-run accident. 米娜透露,在他去世前几天,她与父亲进行了最后一次谈话,父亲对见到刚出生的孙子感到很兴奋。 Minaj revealed that in the days prior to his passing, she had a final conversation with her father in which he was excited about meeting his newborn grandson. 这次经历启发了她新专辑《Pink Friday 2》中的一首歌曲,名为“Are You Gone Already?” This experience inspired one of the tracks on her new album, Pink Friday 2, titled "Are You Gone Already?"