伊朗苏莱马尼将军的葬礼爆炸造成数十人死亡,紧张局势升级。 General Suleimani's funeral service explosions in Iran claim dozens of lives, escalating tensions.
伊朗克尔曼的纪念仪式上发生两起爆炸,纪念美国杀害伊朗将军卡西姆·苏莱马尼四周年。 Two explosions occurred at a memorial ceremony in Kerman, Iran, marking the fourth anniversary of the US killing of Iranian General Qassem Suleimani. 目击者报告称,10 分钟内发生了两起爆炸,恐怖分子远程引爆了装置。 Witnesses reported two explosions within 10 minutes, with devices detonated remotely by terrorists. 伊朗紧急服务部门报告称,已有 73 人死亡、170 人受伤,国家电视台报道称,有 103 人死亡。 Iran's emergency services reported 73 deaths and 170 injuries, while state television reported 103 deaths.