联邦调查人员没有发现任何证据表明恐怖分子与元旦那天罗彻斯特音乐会场外发生的悲惨车祸有关,这场车祸导致三人死亡、九人受伤。 Federal investigators have found no evidence of a terrorist connection to the tragic crash outside a concert venue in Rochester on New Year's Day, which left three people dead and nine injured.
联邦调查人员发现,纽约州罗彻斯特新年音乐会外发生的致命车祸与恐怖主义无关,该车祸造成三人死亡、九人受伤。 Federal investigators have identified no connection to terrorism in a deadly car crash outside a New Year’s concert in Rochester, New York, which killed three people and injured nine. 犯罪嫌疑人是来自锡拉丘兹的 35 岁迈克尔·艾弗里,现已死亡。 The suspect, 35-year-old Michael Avery from Syracuse, has died. 当局没有发现任何证据表明这起事故与国内恐怖主义有关。 Authorities have found no evidence of a connection to domestic terrorism in the crash.